Blue Beetle is a movie based on the DC character “Blue Beetle”. The movie follows Jamie Reyes, a college graduate who is in search of a job. While he comes close to achieving a job, he comes across an other-wordly tool called the Scarab. The Scarab gives whoever it chooses supernatural powers, and it is well known to the government-like society in the movie. Due to it being known by the opposition, they come after Reyes in demand for the Scarab. Reyes decides to use his newfound powers to protect his family, who have been targeted by the government.
The movie has sparked an interest in me greatly, due to how horrendously this movie was executed. This movie contained a questionable and confusing plot, terrible acting, and mediocre CGI. If I were to give this movie a rating out of 10, it would be a 1/10. There were a few parts that I enjoyed, but other than that nothing was specifically unique about this movie, and nothing stood out or distanced itself from other films.
The first disappointment of this movie was the confusing plot. The “Scarab” chose Reyes for an unknown reason, and eventually got his father killed after word got out that he was in possession of the Scarab. Reyes decides to use the Scarab to protect his family against the greedy hands of the government-related corporations. The main antagonist had no reason to fight the main character, and there was no drive behind his actions other than he was doing what his boss asked of him. The relationship development between Reyes and his love interest feels like a Nickelodeon film, and it seems as if the director wanted to include a bit of romance for no reason in particular. While on the topic of characters, the Reyes family had too many different character archetypes; the annoying sister, war veteran grandma, Tacoma and emp-programmer uncle, and the standard parents. Many of these were just added to spark up the aesthetic.
The second and most important downfall of Blue Beetle was the acting. Most of the lines were over exaggerated and made most of the characters annoying and cheesy. The antagonists gave a sense of blankness, as if they were aware that they were playing the role of a standard “bad guy.” As for the Reyes family, I appreciated the hispanic culture displayed in the movie, but they failed to make it wholesome and instead made most of the family members overly dramatic, arrogant and almost irrational.
The third and final reason that Blue Beetle was disappointing is the CGI. Compared to most DC/Marvel movies in the present, Blue Beetle fails to impress any of its viewers. The contrast of blue and orange is unique, but the vibrance makes the battles seem like a nickelodeon or Disney XD TV show. The color scheme appeals to children, but in my opinion it does not give off the vibes of a fight/conflict in a movie.
Aside from the Hispanic culture represented in the movie, Blue Beetle was a disappointment for fans due to the confusing plot, terrible acting and bad CGI.