Mystic Legends Take the Field
Marching Band steps up to 5A competition.
Katie Kleinheksel (12) performs at the Homecoming half-time show on September 9, 2022. Katie has been in band all four years of high school and said,”We have a really interesting show this year that has some pretty cool moments. The band has been working hard this season and our directors are really pushing us to be the best we can be. I’m excited to see where this competition season takes us!”
Pine Creek’s marching band is excited for the upcoming season and their show Mystic Legends. The show focuses on different supernatural themes, with one being from the movie “How to Train a Dragon”. The Marching Band may face new challenges as they step up to competition against 5A schools. However according to director, Kate Margrave, “The competition won’t really change because we are still going to perform our best. The only real change is we’re going against schools with more kids.” At the band’s first competition, at the Legend Festival on October 1, they placed 11th, in finals.
Marching band normally begins for Pine Creek with a mini-camp during early summer and goes until the state competition in October. Edward Battye (9) said “I am really excited about the band this year and I really like how organized it is. The biggest challenge we face is following instructions as they can be difficult to understand.” Drum Major, Morgan Sauer (12), said, “I am super excited about the band this year and the change to 5A. While it has its challenges and we are facing bigger competition it is still exciting to make the change. The change to 5A from 4A is also challenging because of COVID and how it effected the experience levels of some of the underclassmen.” Another challenge for the marching band this year is that the members have to learn new dance moves and do more acting. “Overall I really like how organized the band is this year and there’s no dislikes I have about it,” Sauer said. According to drummer Brandon Gutierrez (11) “I am excited but nervous as it is challenging to do everything correctly but I really like the theme of this year’s show and don’t really have any dislikes.”
Band members are excited for this year and ready to face the challenge this season presents. The band is looking forward to several upcoming shows, including the Fountain-Fort Carson Festival on October 8 and the Harrison Marching Festival on October 15. The South Regional competition will be held at Liberty High School on October 19.