Second Annual Finals Study Session

Cocoa, Cider, Cookies and Cram is happening again this year! Check it out!

Do you (or a friend) need help studying for your final semester exams? Come to ‘Cocoa, Cider, Cookies and Cram!’ This is an after-class activity that allows students to get help with anything relating to finals, and enjoy some nice cocoa, cider, and cookies. Teachers and peer tutors will be available to talk to for any questions relating to core areas such as English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language. This activity happens in the 600s pod on December 7th & 8th from 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. Make sure you bring your study guides and enjoy the amenities.

  • Making sure you get a lot of sleep is very important
  • Eating healthy can also go along way for your tests
  • Study at least a week before your final
  • Make and use notecards to help you study because it can be very helpful during tests
  • Scheduling group study sessions can help reduce procrastination
  • Work at a pace that’s comfortable for you
  • Ask teachers for study guides to help you prepare
  • Use more time to study for your tougher classes
  • Take small breaks in between study sessions
  • Quiz yourself the night before the test
  • Study with friends to make the experience more enjoyable for you
  • Study in a distraction free environment