Cheerleaders lead the “Future Eagles” program


The cheerleaders at our school have started a program called “Future Eagles,” in which small children practice to be Pine Creek’s future cheerleaders. The cheerleaders have practice sessions and the children accompany them to games.

The Future Eagles are 1st and 2nd graders who are interested in cheering, and want to be a part of Pine Creek cheer when they get older.

I started the Future Eagles program. We wanted to include the younger kids in the community and bring them into PC early to experience what we have to offer. It is also really good for the current cheerleaders to work with kids and learn how to pass on skills they have to the next generation. We hope that this program will strengthen our ties with our feeder schools and give the kids some fun and maybe inspire them to be cheerleaders at PC someday.” says Danielle Ford, Cheer teacher. 

Teachers aren’t the only ones working hard on the Future Eagles program, there are students putting their heart and soul into this program also.

Junior Cayman Hook says “My main goal is to reach out to the kids, and do what I can to make a difference with them. I know a lot of them by name, so I really just get to know them. Just getting them to step in the right direction, to help them in the future.”

Children don’t have to wait until they’re older to follow what they’re passionate about, they can learn at their own pace, and at a young age.

“Our main goal is to prepare them, get them excited for all the sports,” said Hannah Golaboski (12). “And we love seeing their faces light up when we show them new choreography and stunts.”