Sources of Strength’s Spirituality and How It Affects Mental Health

Sources of Strength, a club here at Pine Creek, strives to show students their individual and unique strengths, as well as learn how to tap into them to become a stronger, healthier person. There are many strengths that have already been identified which are listed on “The Strengths Wheel.” Some of these strengths include mental health and athletics.
However, to some, spirituality—another strength on The Wheel—is the most important. “I think it’s a great thing for everyone to include in their life and [they] can gain a lot of knowledge and awareness” says Kate Swendsen (10). Ashley Moffett (10) shares a similar opinion saying that, “it [spirituality] is really important. Using your sources and using your strengths helps you build better bonds with people and be a better person and be able to get more accomplished.” Javier Packer (12) feels that spirituality gives him a sense of purpose saying, “I feel like if you don’t have faith, then you really don’t have anything to wake up for. You really have no reason to go through life.”
With January being Mental Health Awareness Month, The Strengths Wheel and the aspects that make it up is more important than ever to help students maintain a balanced life. “I think becoming one with yourself and loving yourself really improves your mental health,” said Moffett. “I don’t think you can have a good mental health if you hate yourself.” Swendsen said spirituality has improved her mental health, giving her, “purpose and for church in general we [Swendsen] have standards and things that improve morality and [it] makes me a better person.” Finally, Packer said, “spirituality has improved my mental health because it seems like I [Packer] find a lot of peace in me as somebody who’s a Christian.” He said he found a lot of peace through praying and reading the Bible. Tobin Monberg (12) says “I joined YoungLife my freshman year. And I did it because my dad did it in college and in high school and then my sister was really a part of it.” Young Life is something that helps a lot of Pine Creek students by giving them community and learning about Jesus Christ. Noah Miller says “[I] got to meet lots of cool people. Made some new friends. Found some of the best community I’ve seen in a lot of places. It’s really [a] good community, good group of people.” This shows how great the community can be from some of these groups. Young life has helped so many people join great communities and meet great new friends who are following God as well. Noah Miller also said “I personally like the camps a lot, but I also like the leader retreats we go on. I like the small community and we’re able just to talk with each other and just have a small little area and be able to have such a great sense of faith-based conversations as well as just community.”
There are many ideas on The Strengths Wheel that empower students and give them a unique sense of identity. We will explore other areas that provide students with their source of strength in upcoming articles.
Joe Deno is a sophomore at Pine Creek High School. He enjoys reading, playing hockey, and working with electronics. Joe is excited to cover the latest...
Austin Zens is a junior at Pine Creek High School. He enjoys going to the gym, studying, and reading. Austin wants to work on incorporating more video...